MLR to play Exhibition match in new location: Arrakis

The MLR has formed a partnership with the Landsraad, to host an exhibition match on Arrakis, otherwise known as Dune.

The 2024 exhibition match will be held in the northern capital, Arrakeen. Kick-off times, and broadcast details will be released later.

Although no team lists are announced yet, it is expected that the Fremen XV will choose lock Stilgar in their team, yet rumours say that the captain role will go to emerging star player, fullback Muad’dib.

The opposition is most likely House Harkonnen. Flanker Fyed-Ratha is certain to captain his first match away from Geidi Prime. Despite his disciplinary record, hooker Rabban will likely be chosen, though relegated to the bench.

Fans may be wondering “why not include other Houses, or the Emperor’s Sardaukar?” According to sources, the Sardaukar were invited, but wanted the game held on Salusa Secundus. The team had recently been training with the Harkonnens.

Other Houses expressed interest, but after the tragic loss of House Atreides in 2021, they did not feel safe to take their team to Arrakis. MLR ensures security is paramount, and there’ll be a minute’s silence for the Atreides before kick-off.

MLR also clarified that Muad’dib would be regarded as a foreign player, as there is no evidence that he has been on Arrakis for the 5 years needed for residency. The league also dispelled the rumour that he is actually the late Paul Atreides.

Refereeing duties for the match will be handled by the Bene Gesserit Sisterhood, marking the first MLR game with all-women refereeing team. Gaius Helen Mohiam will take control, with Irulan Corrino and Margot Fenring as her assistants.

The Spacing Guild is also providing Faster-than-Light travel to Arrakis for the game, as MLR announced their new Interstellar Shipping Partner, CHOAM. It is speculated that CHOAM successfully outbid DHL for the multi-year contract.

MLR is excited to grow the game further afield, especially with the 2031 & 2033 Rugby World Cups approaching. It is expected that World Rugby are considering a bid from Arrakis to host the 2035 Men’s RWC, once again choosing a new location over returning to South Africa.

Event sponsor, Lily Fado-Prosa, says that the match on Arrakis will “test the faithful, and give thanks to Shai-Halud.” The Fremen also went on to mention “Lisan Al Gaib” and “Madhi” - an exciting centre partnership? We shall see…


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